Finest Cusser’s Moonshine
Project Scope
Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Packaging Design
Print Design
We designed the identity, packaging and point of sale collateral for Finest Cusser’s, a new brand of moonshine based on the recipe and story of writer Tom Poland’s granddad.
The label says it all:
When revenuers raided Granddad’s still, the county’s finest cusser broke and ran through briars, brambles, and barbed wire and when he could run no more and had lost every stitch of clothing, they caught him. They escorted him home, buck naked, where Grandma met ’em on the porch. “Thelma,” he said, “I need to do some business for a few days in Augusta with these gentlemen. I’ll be back.” Brother Carey, hearing of Granddad’s plight, gathered some men and loaded the evidence—still, barrels, and jars—onto a barge and sunk it in the mighty Savannah. They freed Granddad, who henceforth was more vigilant when distilling his damn fine moonshine, but whenever someone mentioned “revenuers,” Granddad cussed a blue streak. That was then; this is now, and Finest Cusser’s Moonshine and its secret ingredient, like Granddad, is back. In his honor, drink it buck naked.