Wild Wink
Project Scope
Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Packaging Design
Wild Wink is a startup beauty, cosmetics and personal care company whose first product offering is a line of premium false eyelashes. We worked with the company’s founder to identify the unique set of brand values that would define not only the brand identity, but the company’s direction and products. The brand values of “Daring, high-end, vibrant and artistic,” and the client’s direction that we take visual inspiration from the American west, led to a fashionable, geometric word mark and an abstract feather/winking eye logo, combined with a color palette of always on-trend black and a hint of vibrant turquoise.
As a new brand with relatively few opportunities with which to connect with customers, we focused on presenting the new feather/winking eye icon as consistently as possible across all potential customer touch points. Knowing that many potential customers would likely be first exposed to the new brand via highly influential social media, we designed product packaging featuring circular lids that presents the new logo in the same shape as it would be seen when used as a social media icon.